Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mrs. Ramsey's Knitting

There's a new knitting blog that you all have to check out! It's called Mrs. Ramsey's Knitting. It's written by Mary Kaiser, a high school english teacher by day, and an artist every waking moment. She writes, she knits (you may remember her Wedgewood Socks from Socks Socks Socks or her Daisy Stitch Vest from Twisted Sisters Knit Sweaters), she spins and dyes, but it's the way that she sees the world, like a work in progress, that I find constantly enriching. She is a kindred spirit to us all, pulling the threads of her perception into a rich fabric, reminding us to notice things we let pass by, encouraging us to see living compositions, juxtapositions of life itself. Her blog is no exception. An added plus, you can download the pattern for these delicious socks for free on her blog. You'll find her on Ravelry as MrsRamseyKnits.

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